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Log in is a project with laboratories on gender violence in new media

LOG IN (Laboratories On Gender violence In New media) is a European project co-financed by the European Commission, Directorate-General Justice, in the framework of the Daphne Programme.

LOG IN overall objective is to prevent and fight gender-based violence through the promotion, among teen-agers, of responsible behaviours in their use of social networks.

The project includes laboratories and workshops in schools and youth associations, based on the methodology of PEER EDUCATION.


All project activities are based on a continuous cooperation among experts of different disciplines: experts on gender equality and gender-based violence, educators, psychologists, evaluators, experts in new media and social networks, experts in youth policies...


LOG IN overall objective is to prevent and fight gender-based violence through the promotion, among teen-agers, of responsible behaviours in their use of social networks...

Planned Activities

In order to achieve its objectives, LOG IN foresees the following activities...